Jim Carlin
Link to full article: https://www.thehawkeye.com/story/news/politics/2022/05/13/jim-carlin-responds-remarks-chuck-grassley/9722369002/
The Hawk Eye’s Feb. 6, 2022, article entitled “Sen. Chuck Grassley talks attacks by Republican opponent, Supreme Court, COVID vaccine mandates” addresses the Carlin Campaign’s concerns regarding financial donations from Senator Grassley’s Hawkeye PAC to Iowa Republican House candidates right before they would vote in his grandson’s election for Speaker of the House.
Grassley is quoted in the article saying, “I don’t think it’s appropriate to bring families into anything.” I couldn’t agree more, which is why I found it very concerning that the Senator used his Hawkeye Pac to donate nearly a million dollars to Iowa House candidates close to when they would vote for his grandson’s election to Speaker of the House, especially when the Iowa House majority was secure while the U.S Senate was in serious jeopardy.

The article writes that “U.S. Sen. Grassley said he believes in campaigns on the issues.”
Well, the issues of the campaign are this: Iowa Republicans are not in favor of Washington swamp politics. Whether it is using influence and money to buy the Speakership for your grandson, or having a voting record that received the same Liberty Scorecard rating as prominent Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and AOC, Republicans know this is not the representation they thought they were voting for.
More:U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Carlin talks vaccine laws at Informed Choice Iowa-sponsored event
I’ve been traveling all around the state since the start of my campaign. I’ve talked with a lot of folks, and I know that they don’t want a Washington elite who runs as a conservative and then votes like a liberal representing them any longer. And Chuck Grassley knows it too. Iowans are concerned about Grassley’s vote to certify the 2020 elections, defund Trump’s border wall, confirm disastrous Biden cabinet picks like Merrick Garland and Pete Buttigieg, or his vote for anti-second amendment legislation in Biden’s $1.5 trillion spending bill. Conservative Iowans approve of Charles Grassley’s voting record about as much as they approve of vaccination travel passports- which Grassley supported until he had a primary challenger and flipped his position that is.
Senator Grassley can call himself a Republican all he wants, but I will run my campaign the way I always have: with the truth about Grassley’s legislative records and allowing the people to decide if they align with his values, or with mine.
— Republican Sen. Jim Carlin, Sioux City